If the contest has ended and you try to join
Sorry, our free rent for a year contest has ended. However, you can check out great deals on our other apartments here.
(Feature 4 thumbs of other cheap apartments)
If the contest has not begun
This contest is coming soon. Check back in with us on April 1.
Please enter your email below if you would like us to send you a courtesy reminder once the contest begins.
If the email is invalid
Please reenter your wustl email address.
If the contest is active
EZ Properties will be giving away an apartment in St. Louis.
In order to enter this drawing, you must be a WashU student who is 18 years old as of June 15, 2014. View complete rules.
Please fill out the form below.
Name First Last
Email: ______________@wustl.edu
Phone: ( ___ ) ___ - ____
Date of Birth: (mm/dd/yyyy)
Imperfect Form
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You can only enter this contest once, unless you would like to share this on Facebook. Share to get a second entry.
Once share link is clicked
(Automated, editable message in box) I just applied to win free rent for a year from EZ Properties. Check it out at ezproperties.com/contest
Tried to enter a third time after sharing on Facebook
Oops! Name, you have already submitted two entries into this contest. –EZ Properties
Invalid wustl email
Your wustl email was not found. Please check the spelling and reenter.
Incomplete info
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Perfect Form
You have entered! We sent you a confirmation email for your records. You can get another entry if you this contest on Facebook. Would you like to share it?
Share button
(Automated, editable message in box) I just applied to win free rent for a year from EZ Properties. Check it out at ezproperties.com/contest
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EZ Properties homepage
Confirmation email
If they have not shared
Name, Thank you for participating in our contest. You have successfully completed one entry. Would you like to share on Facebook to earn a second entry? We will announce the winner on June 15th. We will contact you by phone and email if you have won. To preview available apartments, visit ezproperties.com. Good luck! Best, Friends at E.Z. Properties
If they decide to share
(Automated, editable message in box) I just applied to win free rent for a year from EZ Properties. Check it out at ezproperties.com/contest.
Thank you! Another confirmation email has been sent for your records.
If they have shared
Name, Thank you for participating in our contest and for sharing it on Facebook. You have successfully completed two entries. We will announce the winner on June 15th. We will contact you by phone and email if you have won. To preview available apartments, visit ezproperties.com. Best, Friends at E.Z. Properties